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Module QS Soyplus - recognition of further standards


24 01 30 QS SojaPlus

On May 2, QS revises Appendix 4.2 Recognized standards for soybean cultivation and Appendix 4.3 Recognized schemes for the add-on module QS Soy<sup>plus</sup> for feed trade and production. For soybean cultivation (Annex 4.2), there are some new or extended recognitions of further standards.

Among other things, the Responsible Farming extension module of the REDcert² scheme is provisionally recognized. REDcert² is a certification scheme for sustainable agricultural raw materials for processing in food and feed production. The Responsible Farming extension module offers the option of certifying compatibility with QS Soy<sup>plus</sup>. Further information on the REDcert² scheme and Responsible Farming can be found here.


Further detailed information on the revisions can be found in the two annexes 4.2 and 4.3.

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